• It starts with a phone call, and a few simple questions.

    The questions “How much does it cost?” should be the last question asked.

    1. Who performs the laser treatments?

    Just because you call a physicians office, does not mean a physician will be performing the procedure, they normally do not. In fact, in the state of Arkansas, the use of lasers are not regulated, so anyone can use lasers, even without training, including a secretary, receptionist, or nurses aide. In most cases, an Aesthetician can be found using a laser in a Doctors office. Please be aware that an Aesthetician does not study the use of lasers thoughout thier entire course, in fact they never even see one. At Arkansas Laser Solutions, a Registered Nurse with over 40 years medical experience as well as extensive laser training performs all procedures.

    2. Do you use a real laser for hair removal treatments, or an IPL or Intense Pulsed Light system?

    IPLs do have a place in the esthetic market, but when it comes to hair removal, it cannot compare with the results of a laser. Even the best mechanic cannot fix your car, unless he has the right tools. At Arkansas Laser Solutions, we use the latest, fastest, FDA approved Lasers on the market, in short, the best lasers available.

    3. What training does the person who performs the laser treatments possess?

    There are very few legitimate courses in the 50 states, many people learn directly from the laser salesman, “Push this button, and push that button, go to work”. You simply cannot learn how to paint from the person who sells paint brushes; to paint, you need to study from an artist, not a salesman. At Arkansas Laser Solutions, our Registered Nurse was trained not only by the prestigious Lasertrology Training Institute of Naples, but also by a panel of experts, which included Dr. Rox Anderson, the inventor of Laser Hair Removal. Our Laser Nurse is also a credentialed Laser Safety Officer.

    4. To what professional organization does the laser technician belong?

    This is where one learns state-of-the-art techniques, if they are not a member of a professional laser organization, they are not allowed to attend the courses; thus, they have not kept up with the times! Laser technology changes with every sunrise, it seems. Our Laser Nurse was the first in Northwest Arkansas and is the only FELLOW in the Northwest Arkansas area of the ASLMS, the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. The professionals who perform more laser work than anyone in the world belong to this organization and they share their tried and true techniques with each other.

    5. How long have you been treating patients with lasers?

    There are companies out there that have only been in business for a few months. The time spent with the lasers doing treatments is directly related with their experience. Further, ask how many people are authorized to use the laser in their facility. If a clinic has had their laser for 8 months, and there are 8 people authorized to use the laser, it can be assumed that each person has about 1 month experience.

    6. Will the same person be performing all your procedures?

    Continuity of care is very important on many levels. What one person learns about how your skin reacts or responds to the laser may not be conveyed to the next, or the next. At Arkansas Laser Solutions, the same Registered Nurse performs all procedures and has for over 20 years, so this lack of communication does not occur.

    7. Is your clinic Regulation 22 compliant?

    The State of Arkansas, in 2006, pass an amendment of the Arkansas Medical Board Regulations that MANDATE that all patients prior to being lasered, must FIRST be PERSONALLY DIAGNOSED by a Physician. There are still Advance Practice Nurses, Chiropractors, and non trained lay persons still not following this new regulation called Regulation 22. These clinics are practicing medicine without a license when they use the laser without a prior diagnosis from a physician. Arkansas Laser Solutions is Regulation 22 Compliant. Each and every patient is personally seen by Dr. Daniel Atwood, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and Medical Director of Arkansas Laser Solutions.

    A direct Link to the Arkansas Medical Practice Act (do a search for the word “Laser” or find Regulation 22) http://www.armedicalboard.org/Professionals/pdf/MPA-Rules-12-2020.pdf

    Finally, if all the other tests are passed, ask for the price on your area of interest. If they fumble around, or keep the price hidden from you, there is probably a reason. At Arkansas Laser Solutions, all of our prices are on our website for all to see day or night.

  • Q: How does laser hair removal work?

    A: The treatment is performed using the latest laser technology to remove hair with a minimum of pain, inconvenience and side effects. The laser emits a powerful beam of invisible light which passes harmlessly through the skin, but is absorbed by the hair follicle. The hair follicle absorbs the light energy from the laser and is transformed into heat. The blood supply to the hair follicle is severed or disabled, effecting its growth ability forever. The key to the effectiveness of the laser is the principle of Selective Photothermolysis. By properly adjusting the pulsewidth (the amount of time the laser is on) the laser light is able to pass – unaffected — through the thin layer of skin pigment and reach the deep hair follicle. At the follicle level, the laser energy is absorbed and transformed into heat that disables the follicle. As a result, hair growth is impaired without affecting the surrounding tissue.

    Q: How does it compare with electrolysis?

    A: Electrolysis can be a tedious, painful process destroying each hair follicle one at a time. This can sometimes require treatment over years at regular intervals. Lasers on the other hand can treat hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously so the process is much quicker.

    Q: Is laser hair removal for anyone?

    A: No. According to one authority, an absolute requirement is that the hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. White skin with dark hair responds best. Persons with dark, coarse hair are the easiest to treat as dark hair contains melanin, a dark pigment which attracts the laser light so more laser energy is absorbed. Fewer sessions are needed. Light colored hair is more difficult to treat and blonde and red hair are very difficult to treat requiring multiple sessions with varied results.

    Q: Why is skin color so crucial?

    A: Persons with light skin are the easiest to treat, requiring less sessions as the results are faster. Persons with dark skin or sun tanned skin take longer to get results because melanin, the dark pigment in hair, is also present in skin. Melanin absorbs some of the laser light. There is the danger of dark skin being burned in these instances so a laser beam with a lower energy level is used. For this reason also a higher level of expertise is required on the part of the clinic.

    Q: How long does the treatment take?

    A: This of course varies from person to person with size of the area, skin, hair coloring and coarseness of hair all affecting the time. Here are some estimates which can give an approximate guide. Actual laser times: Back 1-3 hours Shoulders 20 – 30 minutes Underarms 5 minutes Bikini Line 10 minutes Upper lip less than 1 minute Chin 3 minutes Legs 1-3 hours 4 to 6 treatments are necessary, and hair that has been waxed or removed with tweezers could need from 5 to 8 treatments. Each laser pulse treats about a one and one-half inch square area, which can contain 210 or more hairs at once.

    Q: Why are repeated sessions necessary?

    A: Hair goes through 3 different cycles, the Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen stages. Anagen refers to the growth stage of hair, laser treatment works best on hair that is in this stage because they have a blood supply that can be severed by the laser. The Catagen, and Telogen stages do not have a blood supply and are considered dormant. While one laser treatment may have long lasting effects, repeated treatments are necessary for best results to catch all the hairs as they enter the Anagen stage.

    Q: Is it safe?

    A: Yes. The laser uses a wavelength of light which passes through the skin. Unlike x-rays, there is no residual left in the body. Laser hair removal technology was developed in conjunction with some of the world’s leading authorities on the use of lasers for medical applications. The lasers we use are Approved by the FDA. Skin may appear pink or red after treatment. This disappears – in some cases after 20 or so minutes, in other cases after a few hours, or in rare cases, a few days. Use of cold packs will speed up the recovery time.

    Q: Is it painful?

    A : This varies from person to person depending on their sensitivity. Most patients describe the treatment as a series of rubber band snaps to the skin. Some have described the sensation to a slight sting on the skin, or tingling sensation. Others say it feels like a pinch on the skin. The majority of patients tolerate this sensation without anesthetics. However, for patient comfort, topical anesthetics or oral sedatives may be used. Within about thirty minutes of treatment, the area may become pink or red, and may feel like a mild sunburn for several minutes to a few hours. Because the laser does not damage the skin, no bandages are necessary.

    Q: When can I expect to see results?

    A: After the first treatment! Hair will gradually fall out starting in about 2 – 3 weeks and continue over the next 6 weeks. Repeated treatments are necessary to catch all the hairs in their various stages of growth.

    Q: Can results be guaranteed with laser hair removal?

    A: No. Due to the variables involved it is impossible to predict exactly what the results will be for any individual. Many reputable clinics avoid giving guarantees for this reason. However, depending upon your body’s response to the treatments, the laser hair removal systems can offer partial permanent hair reduction. This means that most of the follicles will not regrow any hair while some may regrow them lighter and thinner like the hair on a baby’s cheek. It all depends upon the laser treatment that is selected. Come in for the free evaluation and our professionals will decide which treatment is right for you. We can treat all skin colors and we have had great success!

    Q: Why would I want to have Laser Hair Removal?

    A: Laser hair removal is less painful than waxing or electrolysis. All patients treated experience temporary hair loss while 90% have permanent hair reduction. Those patients who enjoy the best results are dark-haired. The pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the highly concentrated light of the laser beam, which damages the follicles and interrupts the growth cycle of the hair. Because of the type of laser we use, the skin stays cool during this process—only the hair follicles absorb the laser beam. Laser hair removal can be used on the legs, underarms, face, bikini line, back, chest, and shoulders, around the ear between the eyebrows and many other places. Several treatments are required for best results.

    Q: What kind of anesthesia is used during a LASER procedure?

    A: Anesthetic creams can be used if the areas being treated are very sensitive, we prefer to use a specially made Gel that contains Xylocaine. The gel is placed on the areas to be treated, then covered with Saran Wrap for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. If the area to be treated is on the face, an oil based numbing ointment is used without the Saran Wrap.

    Q: Will insurance pay for LASER surgery?

    A: Insurance will not cover most of these procedures, as they are considered completely cosmetic in nature. However, for some existing conditions, some insurances do cover the cost.

    Q: What will I experience after LASER Hair Removal?

    A: You may experience some redness that lasts the rest of the day, but even that is uncommon. Patients return to normal activities immediately.

    Q: How expensive are Laser Hair Removal Treatments?

    A: Lasers and training are very expensive, but the treatments don’t have to be. Arkansas Laser Solutions treatments are very low when compared to other like services in the area. Price depends on the size of the area needing treatment. A consumer guide on laser treatment gives $500 per treatment session as a reasonable national average with 4 – 6 sessions often necessary. But our prices are a lot less expensive than that. The whole area on the back or the legs can cost considerably more while smaller areas such as the upper lip can cost less. Individual consultations are necessary to establish accurate pricing for areas such as legs, chest, back, and arms. Most of our prices can easily be found on this web site under “Prices”.

    Q: Are these treatments only for women?

    A: There are many areas on a man when hair is unwelcome. Come into our office, and we will show you before and after photographs of areas such as: necks, backs, ears between the eye brows, etc.

    Q: What are the traditional methods for hair removal?

    A: Until now, electrolysis has provided the only long term method for the elimination of unwanted hair. During electrolysis, a needle is inserted into each hair follicle. Removing one hair at a time, this process is tedious. It can take months or years of treatments to achieve a satisfactory result. The effectiveness is also dependent on the skill of the Electrologist. Less permanent methods include shaving, plucking, chemicals, and waxing. Shaving is the most common method of hair removal. Virtually everyone owns a razor, but shaving only lasts a few days and requires a constant commitment to maintain a hair-free appearance. Plucking leads to a more attractive and longer lasting result than shaving, but is quite painful. Except for small areas, plucking is tedious and impractical. Waxing is similar to plucking, but it can treat large areas. Like plucking, the process of waxing can also be painful; and can also cause allergic reactions and/or inflammation of the hair follicle.

    Q: What makes Laser Hair Removal different?

    A: Laser Hair Removal has been designed to selectively treat only the hair follicle while leaving surrounding tissue unaffected. The laser uses pulses of light to remove the hair, so there is no irritation to the skin, as with other removal methods. Also, depending upon your body’s response to the treatments, the laser hair removal systems can offer partial permanent hair reduction. This means that most of the follicles will not regrow any hair while some may regrow them lighter and thinner like the hair on a baby’s cheek. It all depends upon the laser treatment that is selected.

    Q: How many treatments will be necessary?

    A: The laser works by disabling hair follicles that are actively producing hair at the time of treatment. At any time, some hair follicles are dormant. Since the follicles are producing hair at different times, several visits may be necessary for total treatment. Your laser operator will work with you to develop the optimal treatment strategy.

  • Q: What is FemTouch™?

    A: FemTouch™ Vaginal Rejuvenation is an out-patient, minimally invasive, non-surgical, non-hormonal laser vaginal procedure, that stimulates new collagen production for healthier tissue. FemTouch™ Vaginal Rejuvenation can help women who with age, and after childbirth, start noticing symptoms related to their vaginal health that affect their lifestyle on different levels. Vaginal dryness is a common symptom in post-menopausal women that is sometimes accompanied by itching or pain regularly and also during sexual intercourse. Stress urinary incontinence is another symptom appearing also in a younger demographic, in some cases already for women 20-45 years old. Women who have undergone childbirth will often notice symptoms of vaginal laxity which can impact their satisfaction with sexual intercourse. FemTouch Vaginal Rejuvenation addresses vaginal health related conditions by promoting the remodeling of the vaginal mucous epithelium layer. The Fractional CO₂ laser is applied along the vaginal wall which results in very gentle controlled ablation and coagulation of the vaginal lining.

    Q: How does it work?

    A: FemTouch™ Vaginal Rejuvenation is an innovative CO2 laser technology, enabling to apply precise and controlled laser microbeams along the vaginal wall which results in very gentle controlled ablation and coagulation of the vaginal lining.This allows stimulation of new tissue growth, by triggering collagen production.

    Q: What’s the treatment like?

    A: Before treatment, we will ask you a series of questions related to your vaginal health to ensure you are a good candidate for the treatment. Also, a current gynecological exam is necessary to determine if you are a viable candidate. During the treatment, we will move the sterilized applicator along the vaginal wall in an outward motion, applying the laser in a 360º pattern covering the entire area. The whole procedure should take just a few minutes. You may experience a minor heat sensation during the treatment but it is very gentle and you should not feel uncomfortable.

  • Q: How does LASER Vein Removal work?

    A: Laser systems emit a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the oxyhemoglobin in your blood. The blood absorbs the light, the light energy from the laser is transformed into heat energy and the blood is heated thus making changes in the lumen of the blood vessel surrounding it. By the use of compression stockings, the vessel walls stick to each other and render it closed.

    Q: How does LASER Vein Removal compare with Sclerotherapy?

    A: Sclerotherapy works very well, but can be a tedious, painful process. Sclerotherapy usually requires several treatments for optimum results.

    Q: Is LASER Vein Removal for anyone?

    A: No. Laser vein removal should only be used when a person does not have dark skin, and does not have a history or indication of possible keloiding. People with white skin that have visible veins respond best. The bigger the vein is, the heat it will absorb from the laser light, so the more heat it will generate, thus bigger veins (up to 4mm) are easier to laser than smaller ones.

    Q: Why is skin color so crucial?

    A: Persons with light skin are the easiest to treat, requiring less sessions as the results are faster. Persons with dark skin or sun tanned skin take longer to get results because melanin, the is present in skin. Melanin absorbs some of the laser light. There is the danger of dark skin being injured in these instances, so a laser beam with a lower energy level could be used. For this reason, a higher level of expertise is required on the part of the clinic.

    Q: How long does a LASER Vein Removal treatment take?

    A: This of course varies from person to person with the amount, diameter, and depth, all affecting the time.

    Q: Is LASER Vein Removal safe?

    A: Yes. The laser uses a wavelength of light which passes through the skin. Unlike x-rays, there is no residual left in the body. Skin may appear pink or red after treatment, this disappears.

    Q: Is LASER Vein Removal painful?

    A: This varies from person to person depending on their sensitivity. Some have described the sensation to a sting on the skin. Others say it feels like a pinch on the skin. But with a local anesthetic cream, less pain is experienced. Arkansas Laser Solutions will be glad to write a prescription for sedation medications for long procedures or sensitive areas.

    Q: When can I expect to see results?

    A: Within weeks after your treatment.

    Q: Can results be guaranteed with LASER Vein Removal?

    A: No. Due to the variables involved it is impossible to predict exactly what the results will be for any individual. Many reputable clinics avoid giving guarantees for this reason.

    Q: What kind of anesthesia is used during a LASER Vein Removal procedure?

    A: Anesthetic creams can be used if the areas being treated are very sensitive, we prefer to use Caine Brothers Cream, it has been specially designed for laser procedures, and works very well. The cream is placed on the areas to be treated, then covered with Saran Wrap for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.

    Q: Will insurance pay for LASER Vein Removal?

    A: Insurances usually will not cover these procedures, as they are considered completely cosmetic in nature. However, some have in the past with the help from a letter from your primary physician.

    Q: What will I experience in the days following LASER Vein Removal?

    A: You may experience some redness and swelling. Both usually disappear in a short period of time. Most patients return to normal activities immediately.

    Q: Are LASER Vein Removal treatments permanent?

    A: Yes! Laser Vein Removal is permanent, however, it does not keep other veins from appearing in the future somewhere else. Come in for the free evaluation and our professionals will decide which treatment is right for you.

    Q: I hate injections. Is there anything that would get rid of the spider veins on my face and legs without any needles?

    A: You are in luck! Our LASER Vein Removal procedure offers state of the art treatment of leg veins! For facial veins, we need to be a bit more selective. Come in and have us take a look.

    Q: Are these treatments only for women?

    A: These treatments are for men or women in areas where ugly vein are unwelcome. Come into our office, and we will show you many before and after photographs of other people just like you.

    Q: I have heard how expensive LASER Vein Removal treatments are, how expensive are yours?

    A: Lasers and training are very expensive, but the treatments don’t have to be. Arkansas Laser Solutions treatments are very low when compared to other like services in the area. Price depends on the size of the area needing treatment. Of course this varies from person to person with the amount, diameter, and depth of the veins all affecting the time needed. The whole area on the back of the legs can cost more while smaller areas would cost less. Individual consultations are necessary to establish accurate pricing.

    Q: What will I experience in the days following LASER Vein Removal?

    A: There is no pain! Stockings are worn for 10 days after the treatment. You can resume almost all normal activities immediately. Refrain from exercising while the hose are worn for 2 weeks. Touch-up treatments are sometimes required.

  • Q: What is a YouthPeel™ 2.0?

    A: It is an intra-epidermal laser peel that precisely ablates the outermost layer of the skin. The procedure is individually tailored to the nature of the condition to be corrected. Skin conditions such as: wrinkles, scars, acne scars, laxity, keratoses, or pigmentary problems have been successfully treated with a YouthPeel™.

    Q: Who Should Consider a YouthPeel™?

    A: If you are looking for more than a microdermabrasion or light chemical peels and have little time for a prolonged healing process, then the YouthPeel™ was designed for you.

    Q: How is the YouthPeel™ different from microdermabrasion?

    A: Generally, microdermabrasion only removes the stratum corneum ( 10 microns ). The YouthPeel™ is a partial-to-full epidermal peel ( 10-50 microns ) and is performed with a topical anesthetic. Because this procedure ablates deeper into the epidermis, it is the perfect step between microdermabrasion and full skin resurfacing.

    Q: How many YouthPeels can be done?

    A: Though one may have several spaced at least 6 months apart, but typically only one is needed to achieve desired results.

    Q: What can you expect?

    A: You will experience smoother, healthier, more vibrant skin, with a significant, immediate change in skin texture and tightness as compared to microdermabrasion.

    Q: My acne scars are really bad – I mean really bad! Can you help me?

    A: Of course we can! If you have those unsightly acne scars, our YouthPeel™ 2.0 is just right for you!

    Q: I read something about skin resurfacing helping with sun-damaged skin. What is this all about?

    A: After many years of wear and tear and sun exposure, your skin begins to look wrinkly and ropey. We use our YouthPeel™ 2.0 to remove this weather beaten layer of skin revealing the younger skin beneath.

    Q: How long is the healing process?

    A: Healing takes 3-4 days. The procedure can be performed on Tuesday or Wednesday and you can return to work 5 days after that. Symptoms immediately following the procedure resemble a sunburn, with minor sloughing on the third day. Redness will begin to fade by the forth day and be easily covered by makeup on the fifth day.

    Q: What should I know about pre-and post-treatment care?

    A: Arkansas Laser Solutions will provide you with very detailed pre- and post-treatment information. YouthPeel™ 2.0 offers benefits to anyone who wants to improve specific skin conditions and rejuvenate the overall health and appearance of their skin. Reduce fine wrinkles Rejuvenates sun-damaged skin – face, neck and shoulders Reduce age spots on the face Minimize blotchy skin coloring Reduce acne, chicken pox scars, and superficial scars from a past injury Reduction of minor to moderate early aging fine lines – eyes and forehead Hyperpigmentation reduction Rejuvenation of skin health For men and women alike, a YouthPeel™ 2.0 offers dramatic results. For smoother, healthier, more vibrant skin, or as a program for overall skin rejuvenation, this peel requires very little downtime from work or social activities. Normal activities may be resumed soon after treatment, and your skin is free of particle contamination. Schedule an appointment today. Ask our highly trained skin care professionals how YouthPeel™ treatments can help make you look and feel younger.

  • State of the art acne treatments are all now available at Arkansas Laser Solutions. The Blu-U utilizes blue light which selectively activates photosensitizers within the P.acnes bacteria that cause acne. This creates a toxic bactericidal environment in the sebaceous gland that inhibits the obstruction of the sebaceous follicle with the resulting formation of acne lesions. The Blu-U is completely painless, and involves a short treatment time of only 16 minutes. One simply sits in front of the light with special goggles on, twice weekly for four weeks, then once a week for four weeks, and your treatment series is completed painlessly and effectively. However, we welcome you to continue treatments free of charge once a month for the rest of the year. This is a great treatment by itself, or in combination with other therapies for acne. Call today for your complimentary consultation with us to see if this therapy seems right for you or for your children. It is especially great for kids because the procedure is painless and simple. In some cases, insurance will cover this procedure, so please ask our staff for the correct codes so you can then file it with your carrier.

    Blu-U™ Acne Treatments

    What is Blu-U and ClearLight™? How does it work?

    The Blu-U system uses a unique high-intensity blue-violet light that activates the bacteria-fighting militia called porphyrins. The porphyrins start a chemical reaction that produces peroxide, which destroys the P. acnes bacteria. Before – BLU-U technology uses high-intensity, 405-420nm wavelength light, which permeates the tissue to reach the P. acnes target safely and effectively. During – This unique spectrum of high-intensity light triggers the proliferation of endogenic porphyrins, which attack and destroy P. acnes bacteria within the skin. After – Blu-U creates a destruction rate that surpasses the normal proliferation rate of the P. acnes bacteria, assuring a significant decrease in P. acnes bacteria.

    What is acne?

    Acne is a common chronic skin condition caused by inflammation of oil-producing sebaceous glands. Acne usually begins between the ages of ten and thirteen and persists for five to ten years. Acne is most common on the face, but can also occur on the back, shoulders, neck, chest, scalp, upper arms and legs. Acne develops when the skin cells don’t shed properly — they stick together and plug up the pores. This blockage encourages an oil called sebum and a bacteria called p.acnes to build up in the skin pores, leading to inflammation.

    Can acne be prevented? How is it treated?

    Acne is a fact of life for many adolescents. Approximately 90% of all adolescents and 25% of all adults experience acne at some point in their lives. In adolescents, acne breakouts are related to the natural release of androgen hormones, which occur during puberty. In adult women, acne is often related to the monthly menstrual cycle. Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by eating chocolate, greasy foods or bad hygiene. In the U.S. alone, over one billion dollars is spent on acne medications and treatments each year. In many instances, the money spent yields less than satisfactory results, is cumbersome or causes side effects. Conventional treatments include over-the-counter cleansers and lotions, prescription antibiotics, retinoids and hormonal therapies.

    What is the Sciton Image 1064nm Nd:YAG Laser™? How does it work?

    The Image system uses a unique 1064nm laser light wavelength that targets the bacteria that causes acne. The bacteria are destroyed by a thermal reaction. The 1064 wavelength also causes collagen rejuvenation which decreases pore size!

    What happens during a treatment?

    With Blu-U, a typical treatment session requires approximately 16 minutes. Patients sit comfortably in a chair while the therapeutic light is applied; sometimes there is a slight warming sensation. BLU-U light treatments are described as easy, even relaxing, but most importantly, safe and painless. Patients often listen to music while being treated. With the Image, a typical treatment session requires approximately 20 minutes. Patients lie comfortably on a bed while the Laser light is passed over the skin; sometimes there is a slight warming sensation. Image treatments are described as easy, even relaxing, but most importantly, safe and painless.

    How many treatments are required?

    We develop treatment plans based on individual patient needs. Typically, Blu-U Light treatments are given twice a week for four weeks, then once a week for four weeks. It is important to keep recommended treatment appointments in order to see maximum results. We may choose to utilize several Laser options for your treatment protocol.

    How effective is Blu-U and Image?

    The BLU-U and Image Light systems effectively clears 70% of moderate, inflammatory acne in 4-8 weeks. Results are especially impressive when used with conventional treatments, such as topical creams and oral antibiotics.

    Will skin be blemish-free at the end of the Blu-U or Image Treatments?

    Though the inflammation will be gone for a majority of patients, some may experience residual redness where the inflamed blemish was located. The redness will dissipate over time.

    Are the results permanent?

    BLU-U and Image treatments alone usually help control acne breakouts for four to eight months, but we will give you monthly treatments for a period of 1 year for the same price; after that, occasional touch ups may be necessary.

    Is Blu-U Image Treatments safe? Are there any side effects?

    The BLU-U is one of the safest acne treatments available. The system’s blue-violet light penetrates just deep enough into the tissue to reach the acne target, without adversely affecting surrounding skin. Blu-U have no known side effects. The Image 1064nm Nd:YAG is FDA approved safe for all skin types.

    Who can be treated with Blu-U?

    Most people can benefit from treatment. The Blu-U has been proven to be very effective on mild to moderate, inflammatory acne. People who are on photosensitive medication or wemon who are pregnant have no problem..

    Do patients need to prepare their skin before coming in for a Blu-U or Image treatment?

    Yes. The affected area should be washed with a mild acne cleanser, then rinsed with water and dried. Women should remove makeup before treatment sessions, and should only wear oil-free make-up between appointments. Make-up can be re-applied immediately after a treatment session has been concluded.

    What type of skincare is needed between Blu-U or Image treatments?

    Patients should consult with their physicians regarding the daily use of a non-irritating, anti-acne cleanser such as salicylic acid. Patients should avoid touching or picking blemishes at all times. The use of Salicytic acid enhances the effectiveness during and after treatments.

    Are Blu-U and Image treatments FDA-cleared?

    Yes. The Blu-U system is the first device to receive FDA clearance to market for the safe and effective treatment of moderate inflammatory acne. After 12, regularly spaced treatments, patients show significant improvement with no side effects noted. The Image system is being researched for FDA approval for acne care but has shown wonderful results in our practice. Image 1064nm Nd:YAG is FDA approved safe for all skin types.

    Are Blu-U and Image treatments covered by insurance?

    Insurance reimbursement varies from state to state and carrier to carrier. It’s best for prospective patients and/or their families to consult with individual carriers for more information. It has been our experience that insurance companies are resistant to reimburse for laser procedures.

    What are the features of Blu-U?

    Blu-U Features: New paradigm for acne treatment High-intensity, narrow spectrum blue-violet light destroys P. acnes bacteria Short treatment regimen; 12 treatments over eight weeks to achieve impressive results No side effects, no pain, no downtime.

    What are the features of Image?

    Image Features: New paradigm for acne treatment High-intensity, single 1064nm wavelength destroys P. acnes bacteria Short treatment regimen; 12 treatments over eight weeks to achieve impressive results No side effects, no pain, no downtime