LASER Hair Removal Price Structure

Keep in mind, Prices are the LAST thing you should ask about when deciding on which Laser Clinic to visit. Please click on “Information” then “FAQs” then “Choosing a Clinic”. Look at the 7 questions on choosing a clinic.

We don’t offer “Packages” for a reason. Places that offer packages get your money up front whether it works for you or not. We like people to return to our clinic because they get results, not because they’ve already paid for it anyway. Our prices start off higher, but the second and third procedures they get lower and lower.

Example: If the initial procedure cost is $100, the second procedure price is reduced 25% to $75, and any treatment after that goes down 50%.

Upper lip for example starts at $100, the next would be $75, and any after that would be $50

Common Areas

Chin - $200 - $150 - $100

Sideburns - $150 - $112.5 - $75

Upper Lip - $100 - $75 - $50

Throat (Mens) - $250 - $187.75 - $125

Throat (Female) - $250 - $187.5 - $125

Glabella - $100 - $75 - $50

Ears - $150 - $112.5 - $75

Nostrils - $100 - $75 - $50

Sculpted Beard - $150 - $112.5 - $75

Underarms - $200 - $150 - $100

Hands or Feet - $200 - $150 - $100

Areolas - $100 - $75 - $50 or (Free with any Laser procedure)

Back of the Neck - $200 - $150 - $100

Bikini Options

We offer an infinite variety of options to please everyone, from some hair to no hair, you choose your style

Full (No hair Anywhere, this includes the bunny tail in the back)

  • $275 - $206.25 - $137.50 (By far our most popular)

Brazilian (No hair anywhere except some shape of your choice on the top)

  • $300 - $225 - $150

Basic (from the crease, 1 inch inwards and 2 inches outwards, does not include the labia or bunny tail in the back)

  • $200 - $150 - $100

The Manscape (Mens)

  • $350 - $262.5 - $175

The areas below differ in size tremendously depending on the person, so it makes no sense for the price to be the same for everyone. So for these areas below we do some measuring and charge by size. Areas that fall into this category includes the:



The T-Shirt (Includes Back and Shoulders)


Legs (includes free feet)

Arms (includes free hands)


Breasts or between Breasts

Happy Trail

Skull or skull with Bald Spot

Backs, Abdomens, and Legs